Did you or would you have a piggy bank for your unborn baby?

My little lady is coming out the end of June & been thinking about getting her a piggy bank started. My other little lady will be 1 next month & thinking it might be time to get started with that piggy bank for little sister! I honestly never thought about getting one started with our first till she got money from others on her first Easter. Anyone else start a piggy bank before their little one was born?

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Posted at
Both of my kids have had savings accounts since they were born. This one will too. It’s a good idea to plan ahead.


Ha • Feb 22, 2019


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Yes I'm totally getting one and thinking about contributing to a college savings plan every year too.


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We started a piggy bank for her! We out $1 bills and occasionally $5 bills in there as well, with the coins we have collected from about 14 weeks or so. We just went to Walmart and got one of those $2 baby bottle banks I had one as a baby so I figured why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m unsure if we will start a savings account or a checking account for her.


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We’ve started one. Husband and I put in $20 a week. Started when 8 weeks and now I’m 24


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All 3 of my babies had piggy bank and saving accounts as they get pocket money off there nans.. I save it up on there piggy bank then put it in there bank when it’s a large amount.