So over being pregnant

Lindsay • Mom of 2 boys and a baby girl <3

I see this topic all the time. I can understand that you are uncomfortable and tired and all you want to do is meet your baby.

I want to tell you ladies to be thankful how far you have made it in your pregnancy and remember it will be over before you know it.

My 1st baby tried coming at 28 weeks but thankfully we were able to hold out another 5 weeks. I delivered my baby boy at 33 weeks. He spent 28 days in the NICU. To not have your baby in your belly and not at home with you is the hardest thing anyone will go through.

After having a premature baby you have to do a lot to stay pregnant with your following pregnancies. Progesterone shots weekly and cervix ultrasound checks and a ton of extra appointments.

So when you think you can't make it any longer just remember there are ladies out there like me who would give anything or do anything to carry their babies to full term.

So once again ladies enjoy this time where this life is inside you cause once they are out you can never get that time back. Sending love to all the pregnant mamas

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This ❤❤❤ my first born came at 29w exactly no explanation her foot came out of my cervix and emergency csection, on to my next from the day I turned 16w til I turned 35w i had to go to the doc once a week and get a shot in my bum(sucked hardcore) I had twice monthly doc appointments and monthly ultrasounds from 3 months til birth


Lindsay • Feb 22, 2019
It's awful but so worth it. I'm at least happy my husband can do my shots at home. He did them with my 2nd and now with this baby. Started the shots at 16 weeks with both pregnancies and will go up to 36 weeks too.