AF showed up 😭


This is only my second month of ttc but it is already putting a huge toll on me emotionally.... I really felt like this was the month and took 5 pregnancy tests yesterday (was 13 dpo). Aunt flow showed up today and it literally ripped me to pieces... I'm kind of in a toss up on if I should go hard core and do EVERYTHING I can to get pregnant or if I should stop paying so much attention and just go with the flow... I'm only 21 so I have plenty of time, but all I want right now is a baby💕 Also tossing around if I want to try to have a baby in a certain season.... Its sounds so dumb, but I rather not have a baby in the winter, but that means I should stop trying for the next 3-4 months. Then the other part of me wants a baby as soon as I can, plus the worry of infertility makes me wonder if I should continue to try no matter what because it could be my only chance...

Sorry for the rant! Just needed to get it out there 💁