MC or chemical


When does it stop being a chemical and start being a MC like is there a certain week? I sound ignorant, but I’m really not sure I’ve had one healthy boy and never even heard of a chemical pregnancy before these mom apps

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Chemical is before the 5th week. So you could get a positive HPT but no baby on the ultrasound. Miscarriage is 5-13 weeks


Trisha • Feb 22, 2019
If anything were to happen at this point it would be a MC but some bleeding in early pregnancy can be normal for some women. If you have clots or major cramping thats when you should be concerned. Good luck!


Brenda • Feb 22, 2019
Thanks love. I seen the baby heart beat flickering but it was still early. But I started bleeding like a light period for seven days not clots at all except for a teeny tiny dot about the size of a freckle. The bleeding has stopped now but I’ll occasionally get brown when I wipe. Idk what’s going on. My appointment is the 28th. I was wondering because everyone has told me a chemical is like a period, basically.


Posted at
A chemical is before anything is visible on an ultrasound, so somewhere around 5 weeks. After that it's a miscarriage until after 20 weeks (sometimes 23 depending on your country) after that it's a stillbirth.


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I’m thinking a mc starts after 6 weeks