High cervix during AF???


I couldn't be more confused. I ovulated either February 10th or 11th based on OPKs. My temps are not very reliable because I work 3 nights/week and try and flip flop back to days on my days off.

I started spotting on Sunday, roughly 7 DPO. Yesterday the flow became heavier and redder (as opposed to brown, tho still brownish), like tons of blood on the tp when I wipe however there remains minimal on my pad even after 24hrs. I decided to call that AF and CD 1 (preg tests all negative).

I checked my cervix just now and it is so high that my middle finger can just barely swipe it, not get a real good feel tho. Creamy brownish blood covered my finger-- gross.

I am so confused. Shouldn't the cervix be low during AF?? I've felt it all along my cycle since I started checking around CD 12ish. And a super early period?

But none of this can i look at as "normal" or not because it's the first month in years with out mirena IUD.

Any insite would be appreciated!