My little man


Well, today was the day. Got to the hospital at 5 am this morning to prep for our planned C-section. Everything went great! Got my spinal block just after 7 am, but it made me horrifically sick. People almost never realize how hard it is to hurl when you can't feel your abdominal muscles. My anesthesiologist was awesome about grabbing barf bags and wiping my face off after. Just 48 minutes later my sweet little man made his way into this world! He had to be on oxygen for the first two hours because his O2 saturation was low, but after that, they brought me my beautiful son. I got the best surprise because last time I was really unable to breastfeed, but Elijah has taken to it like a duck to water even with my massive boobs. I'm just so happy that I brought this little man into the world. He is my everything.