Phantom kicks postpartum

I just had my baby last night and I’m already getting phantom kicks.. it feels so crazy. My first instinct is to touch where I feel the kicks bc I liked to feel her feet or whatever sticking out and then go I to touch it and nothings there. Does anyone else experience this?! It seriously scares me bc my baby is right there in front of me and then I feel kicks!!!

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I had them up until I conceived again at 9 months pp 😂 in the early days it’s because your uterus is contracting down so you feel lots of activity there - I used to put my hand on my belly to feel the movement forgetting baby was out of there in the first couple of days 🤣 and as time goes on I think we’re just more sensitive to feeling movement so gas etc can feel like kicks


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I had them for like 3 years after my son was born!


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I also have them!and I’m almost 14months pp.


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I still have them at 3 months pp. I would rest my hands on my tummy after birth like I did while pregnant even though my baby was right beside me, just instinct lol


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OMG THIS MAKES ME FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. I thought I was a lunatic!!!