Bed bugs 💔💔💔

So I live in southern California we rent a house we very clean but somehow we got bed bugs 😤😳. We don't have the money to get an exterminator. I doubt the rental company will pay for it . We threw out the couch yesterday upon the discovery.

Where do we go from here ? There tons of stuff on market but idk which is best and really works .Thanks in advance for your advice

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Girl, I had them and omg😣😣😣😣😣😣😣. It was horrendous, i had so many bites, and was sooooo itchy. The best way is to get exterminator, wash all of your clothes in high heat and dry in hot heat put thwm in plastic bahs wrapped tightly while they terminate your house. Dont go to other peoples houses because you can give it to them. They dont like essential oils(google which ones they dont like i dont remember) so what i did is i sprayed and rubbed them on my body to at least keep them off of me. Throw away anything thats a poster on hanging on walls because they love that. I hope you can get rid of them asap!!!!!!!! You got this, deep breaths.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


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My mom had them at one point and all she did was clean everyday and spray everything with alcohol she ended up getting rid of them


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My husband and I are going through that RIGHT NOW. This is a long comment but will help!it really really sucks, and we didn’t have money to pay for the guy to come and spray either, it’s like $1,300!!! So we had to do it ourselves. We went to Home Depot and we got bed bug bombs, spray, and traps. We had to throw our bed, rugs, and both our couches away. We took every piece of clothing we had and dried them at the Laundry mat. Bed bugs with die at 117 degrees, so make sure the dryer gets hot, and goes for about 30 minutes. We also dried our shoes. And all our clothes are sitting in plastic bags, until we know they are for sure gone. We left our enough clothes to wear for a week and continue to wash and wear those same clothes. We leave our dirty clothes in a basket on the porch until it’s big enough for a load to wash. We closed off one side of the house and bombed that side, they we sprayed the bed bug spray into every baseboard, every door trim until it was dripping amd pouring down the walls. We left that sit for 20 minutes and then went back and cleaned the walls, baseboards, and doors, and everything we sprays with Lysol wipes and Lysol spray. (We have a baby so we had to do this perfect) we are done bombing, sprays and cleaning everything on this side of the house. So we are currently living and staying on this side of the house and gonna bomb and do everything the exact same way on the other side of the house tomorrow. We have two front doors to our house so it was easy to block off one side of the house. Just hang on there, and do everything that we did, and if you caught the bugs before they got too bad, then it will be okay! Bed bugs will love in clothes (so dry them like I said) and shoes and even behind pictures frames on the wall. Just look it it this way, you’re getting your spring cleaning out of the way! Please use mask and gloves, cause that bed bug spray is intense and it made my husbands nose bleeed a lot. And don’t be on the house when you put the bombs off, and when you come back to the house, open doors and windows to help air out while you spray and clean. We also got these traps, that let out a human scent, to attract bugs into the traps, and they get stuck, so that way we know we got them all out. Hang in there and I’ll answer any questions possible that you have!


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I’m sorry to say that the only real way to kill them all is to have your house heat treated. Bed bugs won’t die unless the temperature is over like 135 degrees. I’d talk to the landlord about it. Also, getting them doesn’t mean you’re a “dirty” person. They are everywhere. If you’ve ever shopped at a thrift shop or stayed at a hotel/motel, they are there. I stayed at a incredibly nice hotel in D.C. once and they had bed bugs. Make sure to dry anything your get from thrift shops for 45 minutes in a dryer, check your hotel room and bed (even behind the picture frames) and NEVER get any fur tire from the side of the road for sale, cloth or not. That’s a big way they get into homes where I live.


Be • Feb 23, 2019


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Re-read your lease. It’ll say if you or the rental company are responsible for paying for exterminators. If you’re responsible, can you get a loan from a bank to pay for it? Bed bug infestations are a PAIN IN THE ASS to get rid of. It’s better to start ASAP! Good luck!


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bed bugs don't discriminate if your dirty or clean also relax don't throw anything else out yet. we had gotten bed bugs and never had to throw out our bed or our sofa. but you should really look into saving some money and going with an exterminator we did Terminix it's a chain and if you buy some of their things they'll up their warranty to 90 days which is a lifesaver and it didn't come out to as much as we thought it would. most sprays that you can buy in the store kill on contact or drive the bugs into hiding deeper into cracks of things causing more of a problem. butt vacuuming everything floor cracks tiles baseboards under the sofa under your bed under the box spring. then you need to immediately clean your vacuum outside.they die of heat so you can wash things if you want to but really you just have to have set your dryer to the highest possible setting and have things run for 30 minutes and do that with anything that can be put in the dryer.


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It doesn’t matter if you’re a clean person or a dirty person, bed bugs don’t discriminate. I would say a rental property manager would have to take care of them or you’re entitled to leave whenever and get your deposit back, but I’m not familiar with laws in other states. I’ve heard it’s a waste of time to try to get rid of them yourself, so a professional would be needed. They hide anywhere and everywhere unfortunately.


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My friend had them, they tried for a month and had to get an exterminator. They get in the baseboards and all the books and tiny spots. They had to get a new mattress as well.


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They have good sprays you can make @ home, they sell stuff I believe at home work stores