hyperemesis gravidarum


Unfortunately, I was admitted into the hospital yesterday because I have been severely nauseous & vomiting constantly. Nothing would stay down, not even water or saltine crackers! I was weighed and lost 9lbs in a week and dehydrated (felt weak and overly tired). After trying zofran that you swallow, Diclegis & one other med that you insert through your butt (nothing worked)! Being in the hospital they have me on IV fluids and have been given zofran that dissolves under the tongue (surprisingly had been doing some justice). This is my third pregnancy. First one I had this hyperemesis gravidarum too 7 years ago. Second pregnancy I miscarried in November 2018. Now this third pregnancy, I’m experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum all over again and it’s terrible. Anyone else going through this? 😔