

Has anyone been on Femara and have twins?

When I went for my ultrasound to check my ovaries on the 29th we saw ONE strong egg at 20mm. There were a handful of others that weren’t as big, but not super small.

My stand in doc said to hold off on the trigger shot since my husband was to get home that Friday/Saturday.

I know they can grow 1-3mm a day until ovulation. Has anyone had 1 egg ready and ended up releasing another due to waiting 5-6 days to ovulate? I feel like at least one other could have grown enough in that time to also be released.

I started feeling things already, much sooner than any other pregnancy. My HCG has a doubling time of 31.5 hours as well.

I’ll just be glad to have 1 baby, but am curious is anyone else has experienced something like this!?

I was also a twin, but my mom said we lost the twin in the first trimester. 😢