My boyfriend’s ex girlfriend keeps watching my stories?

So I’ve been dating this amazing guy for a few years. We are in love and we plan on getting married soon. The other day he was on my ig and seen some girl popped up. He asked me how I know her and I didn’t lol. I then find out that this girl is his ex gf. I don’t know how she found me tbh and I didn’t know that was his ex gf. Matter fact I don’t even remember ever accepting her ig request. Point is everytime I post something she always is the first one to watch it. I don’t really care to be honest I just think it’s really weird how she found me on ig and how she watches all my stories. She never likes anything i post but I always see that she views my ig story. I don’t care for blocking her either cus it’s just gonna make it seem like i have an issue with her and I don’t. What ya think ladies?