Should I just go with it? (Ttc timing)

My fiancé and I have a 1 year old son together, I have 2 step daughters, and want to have another baby. He currently pays his ex wife 60% of his income in child support and alimony.

Our son was a preemie due to severe preeclampsia (30 weeker). I want to start trying again when he turns 2 since my blood pressure is now controlled (he’s 18 months).

My issue is that every time that I mention to my fiancé about ttc again he just agrees with what I want. I feel like it’s never a mutual decision but instead me just telling him and him going along with it. I want him to have his own ideas about it too, especially since he’s the main income for 2 households.

Should I just go with what I want if he agrees? Should I push him to voice his opinion?

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