Wood stain fumes?

We have been renovating the house since I found out I was pregnant. Last week we replaced all the doors, and this weekend my significant other is staining them. I went to the grocery store, and when I came home the fumes were very strong. I hid my nose in my sweater while I unpacked groceries, and then camped out in the basement.

Now it’s time for me to start making dinner, and I am getting hungry. The fumes upstairs are still very strong. My significant other told me I should leave the house if I can smell the stain, but that seems a little over the top. In the basement I can barely smell it. I am afraid to leave, because if I don’t cook dinner he will be upset. However, when I tried to tell him that, he said he couldn’t talk to me anymore because he had to get the doors done. 🙄

Anyone know if these fumes are dangerous? Can I go upstairs and cook dinner? Should I leave the house?