Should I be having sex? (Pls read)

I am 19, almost 20, and live in my moms house. I have a job and am going to college but living at home to save money. I have my own car and buy my own things, I'd like to call myself mature lol. I am getting the implant soon for birth control but I always use a condom when I have had sex previously.

The boy I'm seeing is 20 almost 21 (our birthdays are 3 days apart lol) and is in the Military. I see him on the weekends at night mostly and we talk over the phone during the week. He lives on base.

Okay, so my problem is I dont have a good place to have sex at... like someone is always home (my step dad or my mom) and I dont feel comfortable having sex with them here. I (recently) have had sex in a car once and felt kinda dirty about it because it is illegal, but it was great because no one was around and I could be as loud as I wanted and take my time. But I don't want to have to do that every time. I think having a hotel room would be cool but obviously that is expensive.

I enjoy being intimate I just wish I had my own place to do it... so yes I could move out but I'm not ready for that. Does that mean I'm not ready to be having sex?

Do y'all think doing it at home is disrespectful? Any ideas?

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