I really thought that this is gonna be our BFP month


This is our 2nd cycle TTC. Actually the first month we didn't really took it seriously like we did this month. Me and my husband had a contact everydat duting my fertile window so I thought we got a higher chance to conceive this month. During DPOs, started to feel strange like I would get slight cramps and twinges here and there, my boobs were sore, I easily get hungry, heartburn everyday, gassy stomach and always been moody. Do these symptoms really gave me a hint that it could be this month. But then I tested at 11, 13 and 14 DPO and twas a BFN. Im just waiting for AF to come.. Although others say that im not out yet until AF comes... but I guess you really feel it if it's not your month yet..Oh well, I just vented my heart out. And of course there's no other way but to move forward and start a new cycle and do better! 🙏🏻🤞🏻🤰🏻