He is finally here! & I’m in love


So i was scheduled for induction Tuesday Feb 26th turns out bubs decided to come on his due date Feb 22! Tuesday Feb 18 my OB swept my membranes because i had no signs of labor & only 1cm dilated 50% effaced. So Thursday Feb 21 at 2am I lost my mucus plug, around 3am I start cramping while asleep. At 4:30am I was headed to my moms house cramping still going. At 5:30am the contractions kicked in at exactly 3 minutes apart for 2 hours. Waited until 7am when they were still 3 minutes apart & called my hubs at work down the street to come pick me up I said this baby is coming soon. So hubs picks me up we come home get our things head to the hospital contractions now 3-4 minutes & totally feeling them. We get there the check my cervix I’m at 2cm. They start to monitor baby & contractions & they are stuck on 3 minutes apart, 2 hours later still at 2cm & 3 minutes contractions so they send me home tell me come back in two hours. Came home contractions got worse & heavier. Waited 5 hours until contractions were about 1-2 minutes apart & tears were coming down my face from pain. We head back & im finally at 3.5cm & they finally decided to keep me BUT there was not a delivery room available 😫 so I waited another 2+ hours for a delivery room with no medicine just feeling these contractions one right after another! Finally at about 11pm they have a room & I get my epidural & able to rest a little. Friday feb 22 at about 2-3pm contractions are so bad not even epidural is helping & my nurse is so patient helping me with every position possible to relieve pain. At about 4pm I feel the need to poop & push turns out i was at 10cm & his head was in position ready to go! I pushed for 51 minutes & out he was!

Mr. Kayden Matias

7pounds 8ounces

20 inches