My boyfriend doesn't want to try anything new with me

The thing is, when I started dating my boyfriend I was a virgin, while he'd done many many things, I never had a problem with that since being a virgin was my choice and him living his life like that was his. We've been very good friends before dating which helped us a lot on the trust department, specially for me since I waited over 20 years to give myself to someone, I better be sure of my feelings. I never had any regrets on my decision but, there is one thing that does annoy me way more than I want to admit, the thing is, after I first discovered what it felt like with him, I also wanted to try other things, new things, nothing too crazy (sexting, car sex, fooling around in a near public situation, etc) the thing is, he'd already done all those things, and he didn't particularly enjoyed them, which is why he said that he wouldn't do it again, it bothered me at first but then, I tried to come up with more things, and all things he already done and wasn't interested in anymore, it's like his discovery period was over, and mine never started, and I don't want to force him to do something that he doesn't want to do, but it also frustrates me so much that I'd never get to do those things, or even that I'll never get to discover something new with him since he already shared all those things with someone else.