Amniotic fluid ?

boymomforever 💙💙🤰 • Mother of five angel babies, a happy and healthy 4yo boy & a 1.5yo boy & last baby and BOY #3 due June 20 ‘23 💙

Did anyone have small amounts leak out or is a big “gush” needed to actually be concerned and go to triage? In the past 2 hours I’ve had two what I think is leaks but I’m not sure if it’s amniotic fluid or not. It’s clear and my underwear has wet spots bigger than usual. When I wipe there is no mucus as usually there is and it’s yellow. Any insight would be appreciated. Tia :)

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Posted at
I had this happening, im inly 25 weeks , my doctor said baby was laying on bladder and it was making me leak pee , sithout really feeling it.


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Leaking counts as breaking, if you know you’re leaking fluid (it’s clear and watery) you need to go in asap


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Amniotic fluid is not yellow. Sounds like discharge.


boymomforever 💙💙🤰 • Feb 25, 2019
My mucus is usually yellow I meant. It’s not now it’s clear


Posted at
I don’t have personal experience. But amniotic fluid can definitely come out as a leak, not just a gush. One recommendation is to put on a pad, lie down for 20 minutes, then stand up. If you leak when you stand up, you should definitely go in to test if it’s amniotic fluid.If you are really worried that you have starting leaking fluid, you should call or go in ASAP. It is better to have them test (simple swab) and know for sure. Good luck!