Sleep schedule

I see a lot of moms posting on social media that their baby naps from 9:30-10:15 then from 1:30-2:45 pm etc etc & some even swear that it happens to the exact minute everyday.

Is this really possible ? True ?

Coz I have tried so much in the past 10m and I can only put my 10m old to a nap when he wants to . Not when I want/ by time; though his timings are mostly around the same like as below:

Either 9:30-10:30/ 9:45-10:45/ 9:10-9:40 types ...

the only thing that’s same is the duration of each of these naps but not the time .

For me & DS it depends on what time he wakes up in the morning & more or less takes 3hrs from that wake up time for the first nap to begin.

What should I do to train him to a particular fixed time ? Is that even possible ? I need to get him started on a routine as I will be gng for work soon & we will be putting him in a playgroup & daycare where the playgroup classes more or less fall during his nap hours .