Help needed from women who had a baby! Am I preggo again?


Ok so, I have a 5month old baby and since I gave birth I had my period twice. Before I got pregnant, my periods were very regular. They lasted 7 days and I would get it at the same time every month. I don’t get irregular cramping or spotting inbetween.

Since I gave birth my periods have been lasting two weeks long. So I have no idea when I ovulate or whatnot.

WARNING, TMI but I had sex with my husband about 3 days ago. He finished in my mouth, but was still hard so we stuck it back in until I finished.

I got some cramping and stabbing pains (like I did with my first pregnancy in the beginning) and today there was some light spotting I noticed when I went to the bathroom. My last period ended a week ago.

Since my periods are all out of whack, I have no idea when I ovulate or how fertile I am after giving birth. I’m assuming I’m pretty fertile (my mom had kids even after being 40years old and physically I’m a lot like her). I know it seems really early to be implantation bleeding but idk how this whole process works when my periods are out of whack and whatnot. Any input or ladies experience getting pregnant super fast? Hehe