Is getting a membrane sweep kinda ‘cheating’? 😏 (more context in description)


Hi ladies

I am 35+3, and had another check-up yesterday. Baby is thriving and I feel great. She in the right position and was bopping around while sucking her thumb. 🥰

My doctor said she typically does a sweep at 38 weeks, just to get things moving. I was happy with that but when I told my husband, he is not so keen....

From his point of view, we should only be intervening if I was very uncomfortable or there was a medical reason for baby. And that getting a sweep just because we’re excited to get things moving is not a good enough reason.

He thinks it’s kind of cheating nature in a way 😂

I can see where he’s coming from. We have another 2.5 weeks before the topic will even come-up again with the doctor, so we’ll see how everything is looking at that stage.

But just for fun... what do you think?

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