12DPO..AF in 2-3 days..missing normal symptoms


Took a test today knowing it might show up negative and it was. I know I’m not completely out yet but I seem to be having my normal period symptoms of sore boobs and increased CM.

The weird thing is, about a week before my period for the last 10+ years I always eat EVERYTHING in site. Even when I’m being super healthy and working out, I have to eat more for a few days to satisfy it. This week I haven’t had that urge AT ALL. So strange because it’s like clock work usually.

Today I’m so emotional I feel like crying over every little thing, which isn’t usually something I deal with!

Fingers crossed this could be it and it’s just not showing up on a test yet! I’ll try again in 2-3 days when AF is due if she doesn’t show up.

Baby dust to you all!! Anyone else have some promising symptoms?