Male insight

I’m desperately trying to save my marriage but I feel as if he doesn’t care anymore. A little back story... while we were in a long distance relationship (and engaged) he cheated on me with a co worker (who he still works with). After I moved out and married him he decided to come clean. It’s been extremely difficult to say the least and although I believe he feels shame and regret for his actions, he still calls me crazy and controlling because I don’t trust him. I don’t know what else to do and I’ve gone beyond looking desperate at this point but he laughs when I cry and beg for some sort of effort from him. The only thing he says is “you’re hot but, not worth this.” He caused the trust issues but can’t work with me?! Btw it wasn’t just cheating that caused trust issues. It was talking to ex’s and doing things behind my back and when caught he says I’m controlling. Help please.