8 weeks but never hungry

Bebe • Mother of 2 amazing boys🙇🏽‍♂️,Girlfriend to an amazing boyfriend 💏 , MC 9/25/18👼🏽 my 🌈 👶🏽 8/26/19 currently pregnant with baby #3 a baby girl 🎀 coming 2022

I kinda posted about this subject before but I want to touch on it again so I officially turned 8 weeks yesterday and for some reason I lost the urge to eat? I’m barely hungry I normally eat 1-2 meals a day and that’s if I’m not feeling nauseous or having headaches. I can’t eat big meals either because I get full really fast it’s so weird I’m concerned because I feel like I’m not feeding my baby enough. What can I do ? Has anyone experienced this?