Reading PTSD.

Most days I do good, and I dont even think about what happened to me.

Ever since I kicked him out, I found I haven't had an interest in TV anymore, so I picked up reading again. I've read and read and read, and today I started a new book, this book I can relate to so much

The first couple chapters are about a girl who was kidnapped and trapped in a basement, tied to bed, naked with her legs spread apart, a man raped her, beat her, and was going to kill her, just like he did 20 other young girls. Screwed up book right? That's not the kind of book you want to relate to.

I'm not long out of a relationship where I was held captive in a basement apartment, I had my phone taken away from me, my laptop, and I had nothing to get help with, I wasnt aloud to work or go to school, I couldnt leave the apartment unless he was there too. He beat me, he sexually assaulted me, he tried to rape me several times, but I fought back hard, he also threatened to kill me. I was depressed, I didnt think I'd ever get out of it.

But I did, and I'm so happy I did, he's not in jail because I dont have any proof of what he did, besides a hole in the wall from where he threw me into it, and a knife mark in my bed from when he tried to scare me into doing what he wanted. But that's not enough to arrest him, but I'm trying.

I'm afraid of men now, I have PTSD, and I'm beyond scared to talk to men, and be alone with them, I'm afraid to leave the house, I'm afraid of him, I'm afraid of running into him again, I'm afraid he'll come back to kill me. I'm at the point where I'm too scared to be home, because he knows where it's too, so I stay with my parents most nights, I cant wait for the summer so I can move away.