I used to cheat

I used to cheat on the man who loved me the most. I used to cheat on the man who did the most for me. I used to cheat on the perfect man. I would do it with no remorse. Cheat then talk to him like nothing had happened. I would cheat on him then lay with him like nothing just happened .It really didn’t affect me at all. I broke it off and moved on easily. While it affected him beyond my understanding. It made him depressed even suicidal. I didn’t care nor did I feel bad. Now I’m fully in love with man. A man who cheated on me with multiple women. A man who cheated on me while I was pregnant with his son. A man who lied to me our whole relationship. A man who never told me anything, I found out because his girlfriend and sister told me so. I know now the serious pain of cheating. I never got cheated on before. But damn it hurts and scars you sooo deep. I will never ever cheat ever again and I hate cheaters now. I kept telling myself that’s my karma.... but I learned & now I will never cheat on the person I am with not even a cheater....