Sore breast.


According to <a href="">Eve</a>, I’m 1 day after ovulation and my breast have been tingling and kinda sore but not really. Just very very very tingly... has this ever happened to anyone else? Last time hubby and I BD was on the 19th of this month. And AF ended on the 16th.

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Posted at
I got a bfp 3 days ago, its very possible that your body is already telling you. Everyone doesn't get the same symptoms for me it was my breast, creamy cm, and what felt like vaginal bubbles(?) I'm sorry if Tmi but those were my only symptoms. Good luck ❤🤞🏾


Kierra • Mar 1, 2019
Np good luck lmk how it turns out


Ry • Feb 28, 2019
WOAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I swear I just experienced all of that yesterday!!!!!!! I was discharging so much and I was so confused cause I’m like, where is this coming from?? And then I kept having these weird bubbles in my vagina lol I was so confused! I’ll test today and see what’s going on. Thank you!


Posted at
My nipples get really sensitive after I ovulate. It's from the surge of progesterone.


Ry • Feb 27, 2019
Okay! Thank you!