⚠️ First Postpartum period (TMI)

Hey ladies, I’m about 6 days into my first postpartum period (at 6 weeks postpartum) and my bleeding had been far from normal. It started off super light the first two days then out of nowhere my period took a horrible turn for the worst. I’ve been clotting and bleeding SUPER heavy im surprised im not dead. I will stand up and feel so much blood building up that when i sit on the toilet it literally just pours out of me. (See TMI pic)

And i promise you that was only a little blood compared to what I’ve been getting. Haven’t been cramping much but I can say this is day 6 and theres no signs of this period ending anytime soon. *sigh*. Anybody else experience anything like this or should I just start writing my will now?

Also, I had a C section btw if anyone can relate.