Cartilage piercing 2 weeks old

So, I know that cartilage piercings can be serious if they get infected and I worry about mine. My body rejects piercings sometimes. My ear piercing is a little over 2 weeks old. 3 days after I got it done it started swelling badly and was extremely painful, my piercer said to go to the dr to get on antibiotics and i did. I just finished them and my ear is red again. Its slightly swollen, somewhat itchy. Its not painful at all or hot (like last time) and im wondering if you all think it looks irritated or starting to get infected. Im so good on an infection. Heres a pic of it in the daylight

And heres one with flash

Its pretty red. I just want to be safe rather than sorry. Theres also no bump or discharge or anything.

Any input?