I woke up to cows at my window

I live next to someone who has cows. But I have a few acres so it’s not like they’re next door. I wake up this morning..the buttcrack of dawn to “MOOOOOOOOOOOOO”

what the.. so I look out the window and see a herd of 15 cows! I’m glad I don’t have any gardens I guess.. so I’m like.. okay. They probably belong to my neighbors. First I walk outside and get side eyed by many cows and then slowly crept to my car. Idk ive never been around cows.

I get in my car and drive down the road and knock on this guys door and his wife answers and I say “I think I have your cows?” “You have our cows?” “Yes I have many cows that don’t belong to me. I think they’re yours. I just woke up to mooing.”

“Okay I have to call my husband.” And I’m like delirious I rolled out of bed on a mission to figure out why cows were everywhere. I looked a mess

About 30 minutes later he comes and yeehaws his cows away with food and I’m still shook from waking up to a “moooooo” 😂

They thought they could just come over and eat my grass and moo into my window. Im sure the poop will be good for the lawn?😂