Discouraged wife 😞


Does anyone else struggle or is it just me?

My husband grew up in a broken, angry home and he suffers with some anger issues and I'm terrified of how he is going to be a dad. He has stressed me out more this pregnancy than ever before and I'm just worried. He never had a father figure and him and his mom just yell at each other and get heated over the stupidest stuff. He can SEEM very condescending but I've learned it's just how he sounds, not how he is.

I do love him, and I have no Ill thought toward him because he has gotten so much better since we have been married and I'm so proud of him, but he constantly tells me he 'thinks' I have these suppressed Ill thoughts towards him all the time but I genuinely dont and I apologized to him that he feels that way. I'd talk to him if I did. But he doesnt believe me, he just wants to believe his own thoughts.

But I'm left to feel like a failure as a wife and feel bad that he married me. Genuinely. I feel like such a burden. And I'm slightly terrified to bring this baby into the world in less than 9 weeks. 😪

I dont even know if advice is needed or any kind words. I guess I just kinda needed to get it out there that maybe, just maybe someone else feels the same way and they're not alone...cuz it's so easy to feel alone in relationships sometimes. (A lot of times)