My broken sleep Vs Partner's early mornings


Okay? So my partner is currently not working, hasn't for a couple of months now (he's trying to find a job).

Anyway, he's always been an early riser, around 5-6am. Lately he's been waking up at 3-4AM every morning. But he usually goes to sleep around 8-9 and sleeps through the night, whereas i have to wake up to the baby multiple times a night until 4-5am and then i'll pass out baby over to my partner for an hour or 2 so i can sleep at leaat another hour.

Anyway, my partner lastnight tells me "you evny me because i get to sleep for hours and you have to wake up to Kai but i envy you because i wake up at 3-4am every morning when all i want to do is sleep until at least 9-10 am, and i can't go back to sleep no matter what i do..."

I was like... are you fucking kidding me? It's not even the same thing! Broken sleep is WORSE than sleeping the whole night and waking up early, i'm ACTUALLY tired and drained when i have to get up during the night trying to shuffle my way to the baby's room half asleep, when my partner wakes up in the morning he's AWAKE and can't go back to sleep.... at least he's WIDE awake! I wish i could be fucking wide awake! At least he isn't tired!

I suggested that he just go to bed later in the night, say 11-12?

So annoying when men try and make their complaints worse than the one that's actually looking after the baby, they don't have to get up to them like we do. They can do anything without having to worry where as we do....

Would this frustrate anyone else or should i be more sympathetic towards him?