Should we change how we address certain letters.


So last night when I went to the post office to pick up our mail since we recently moved I was haulted by the clerk. The only thing that was sent to us was a wedding invite. And on the invitation it was written like this (going to use a fake name)

Mr. And Mrs. John Smith.

Now because my first name wasnt written on this invitation i wasnt able to pick it up. My husband now has to go in.

This kinda made me mad because feel that all parties should be recognized when writing invitations.

This has also happened with our tax returns. Even though my name was on the taxes first, the goverment decided to recognize my husband first and ultimatley that lead to issues with the direct deposit.

Do you think males get more recognition when it comes to being addressed about bills, and or money?

Im sorry if this doesnt make sense at all. Ill delete if in the wrong group.

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