
I am approx 10-11dpo. ovulated late on Cd26 (2/16) and AF was suppose to show based on Glow the 19-20th I got my first positive ovulation test the 16th so estimated ovulation to have occurred the 17th-18th. AF NEVER showed, and about 4 dpo i started with tender boobs. They have stayed tender but have been getting mega sore. Definitely have never had them this sore without having been pregnant in times past. I've been crampy off and on ever since ovulation. I feel like this is it, that we made it because of how i feel, but so discouraged because of the Negative test. Even though i know 10-11dpo not everyone can get a positive due to when baby implanted. But its still hard to see when your just anxiously waiting those 2 lines. 😫😭

Someone PLEASE share their positive stories about not getting positive HCg until much later to help me feel better😅