Didn’t think I’d be this disappointed..

It has been two months since we found out we are having another girl. This was a planned pregnancy and we were both really hoping for a boy to complete our family and I knew going into this I would be bummed if it was girl but I didn’t think I would get to point of being depressed. I feel like most women are upset because they’re having a boy and wanted a girl, but I’m the opposite. My midwife is having me start antidepressants and I’m going to start going to counseling. If I would’ve known I would be this upset and disappointed about having a girl, I never would’ve gotten pregnant in the first place. People say it will get better but it has already been two months since we found out and it has only gotten worse. I haven’t connected with this baby or bonded at all. This is a horrible feeling. Everyone says you will fall in love with her when you hold her but I don’t really see that happening. I’m already 30 weeks and still don’t feel any connection with her, even when she kicks. This is awful.