Not returning after maternity leave


where I live childcare is expensive $1700/month for 5 days a week childcare. my husband and moved here 3 years ago and have been trying to save for a house but those are expensive too so the money we were saving for a house will now be going to baby. we have made a tough decision to move back to our home state to be closer to family and have a lower cost of living. we decided to stay until August cause our lease will be up and the baby will be about 5 months by then. anyway we've both been feeling guilty cause work expects us back after maternity leave, but that's not our plan. I don't want to share this with them until after maternity leave has begun because it seems like a bad idea. anyone else have the same plan of not returning? how are you handling it? my plan was to tell them I decided I want to be a stay at home mom after I met my baby. just feeling unsure of what the norm is if there even is one. I already looked up and made sure I will not be held responsible for repayment of benefits or salary while I was on leave.