Abort or not abort my baby ?!

Ladies this is a very delicate subject but I can't deal with it anymore and I been wanting to get a abortion so please don't judge me but I need some support to either get off this situation or make what is best for my baby and myself .

I am 20 and turning 21 , I married a guy when I was too young under the pressure of my family because I was suffering of illness and they didn't wanted to take care of me so as soon as I turned 18 I had nowhere to go and this guy who is now my husband acted as if he loved me and would make everything in his power to help me and make our relationship work . We were dating since high school so I got with him , I found that having someone that love me and a place to live at the time was my best option in life . Well turns out that 2 going on 3 years of our relationship since we started dating we are off the honeymoon phase and he been showing me his true colors . And so far he is impossible to deal with , I am one type of woman that if I have a issue with something I like to talk about the big elephant in the room . Well he hide his feelings from me daily and whenever I want to talk he just doesn't care , I technically felt like that was the begnning and was going to end soon but nope , it only got worse . On our 2nd year together we had a baby I obviously took 28 stitches down on my vagina and was hurting and unable to walk . Well once the baby got home I felt like he would love to be a father but nope , again a jerk he refused to change diapers , and whenever baby was hungry he would kick me off the bed by kicking me with his foot if I didn't got up in seconds just so he could sleep . Now our little girl is 1 year and a half and he treats her like crap daily and calls the poor baby a little bitch , so as I can see abusive to no end . Plus he been kicking me on the ground now , and he punched me in my head when I tried to tell him he suffers from anger issues . And as our 3rd year together goes on he been unable to keep it up with the bills as he is a roofer and never graduated from high school as I did , and he tells me daily to find a job now that I am pregnant with our baby #2 which is a idea I just feel uncomfortable about it and I haven't seem him the entire winter looking a job for himself in a job agency when I know he could have done that . I am at loss , and I feel like my feelings for him just gone into oblivion , and I really don't feel like sacrificing my body to give a baby to a guy that doesn't love me or care for me . I know it is not the baby fault but I told him today that we are not working and I want to put the baby to adoption and he said I can't because he wants to see me suffering . BTW I got nowhere to go if I decide to leave him right now as I put all my money into the rent of this month and I know calling the cops won't do me any good because cops where I live want actual proof of abuse and I am not about to let him kick me to the point where I am bleeding and purple on the ground . Any of u guys have any ideas on what I should do ??

Update : After too much thinking about it I decided I am not willing to have this baby , yes I know some of you will see this as a cruel and calculist decision and I understand but I been sad and I got to do what is best for myself and my born child at the moment. She does not deserve to be mistreated and I found someone that treats me like a queen and he does not deserve to go through this relationship with me living the drama of a unplanned pregnancy and me knowing he truly deserves a kid and carrying a kid of a man that treats me like shit around . I had lots of prayers and my heart is breaking from doing this but I have to , I prayed to God every day and the only answer I could come up with is that it is a wrong decision but after doing I got to repent and only have a child when I am ready for it not to mention never ever go through a abortion again . And take better care of myself so I don't find myself pregnant and not brag about it and redeem myself then move on . It was definitely a tough decision for me but this man ( my ex now ) he is never going to change , and I saw that when I did my first ultrasound and he didn't came because I asked to go through his cellphone so I would find out if he was cheating on me . Thank you ladies for all your support and I truly appologize if I hurt anyone with my post .