Had enough!


I don’t think I’m pregnant.. Iv got no symptoms at all except from being tired but I work long hours which is probably why.

I had my implant removed 15th jan this year.. I had a very heavy period immediately on 24th which lasted 5 days - before being on any contraceptives that was a normal period for me so I assumed my fertility was back to normal.

I haven’t got a clue about trying for a baby so when I downloaded this app I was reading peoples stories and put my period date in the calendar and saw my ovulation week so that’s when we decided to give it a go. I tested a couple weeks ago which gave me 4 positives ( my other half couldn’t believe it because the lines were sooooo faint!) so we got a clear blue digital which of course came back negative 😒 and every test since has been negative? Makes no sense?

So my period is 8 days late and my doctor won’t do any blood test until I’m 2 weeks late. I know we haven’t been trying for long but I’m soooo confused? I’m having period like cramps but no bleeding, I just want to come on my period so I know I’m not. I’m getting annoyed with pregnancy tests!!!