Finally accepted my fiancé has CFS and I can’t change him



After years of trying my best to help (and continuously failing), this morning I finally accepted that my fiancé has Can’t Find Shit Syndrome and there is just no fixing him... I have a feeling that most of you out there who have lived with the male species know exactly what I’m talking about!!!

Now that I’ve reached acceptance of the unchangeable, might as well have fun with it... for example, take the missing razor blade cartridges that my fiancé had so much difficulty locating, even after specific directions.. he was so convinced they were “gone,” that he went and bought a whole new pack:


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I mean seriously... right in plain sight. In the ONLY cabinet we have in the bathroom... not to mention said cabinet is the ONLY place I’ve ever kept his extra shower stuff/razors/hair product 🤦‍♀️


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Wanted to add this well-written description from 😂:

“Like color-blindness, CFS Syndrome is a predominately male affliction. The main symptom is a frustrating form of object blindness for mundane household items and personal effects used on a daily basis.

The symptoms:

When the desired object is not immediately located with a cursory glance, a peculiar paralysis occurs, rendering the sufferer helpless and unable to function. Immediate intervention from a female household member is required to locate the “missing” item, which is inevitably right in front of the afflicted individual’s nose.

Those suffering from this disorder fail to grasp that the simple concept of looking involves a visual exercise where one must rotate their eyeballs up, down, left, right and around. The efficiency of this exercise is enhanced when combined with neck and head rotations.

Even more radical, the art of looking also involves a third motor component, with your hands and using them to move other objects aside that this missing object might be under or behind. Mastery of this third component appears to be the most challenging.”


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I know I’m not the only one out there living with someone who has CFS... comment with your experiences!!! I’m expecting some good laughs 😂

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Posted at
Love this. Might be a mom thing but I always know where everything this. "Mom wheres my glasses case?"..."on the floor in front in front of the dresser in your room". "I cant find my keys"...."under your hat you set on the bathroom counter where it doesnt belong". Its like a gift. I got from my mom...who used to say one of two things when we "couldnt find" things: 1) look with your eyes and not with your mouth, and 2) if I go in there and find it im going to hit you with it. LMFAO


Jessica • Mar 5, 2019
Omg I love this comment! That's awesome.


TM • Mar 5, 2019
Woah my dad does this too but with stuff that i can’t remember where i put from even YEARS ago. “Dad where’s my snowshoes”? Dad: “the small shed to the left side of the house there is a shelf above the area where you’re mothers Christmas decorations are. Three tupperware bins are there. Now, once you get those out of the way be careful with your Jeep soft top because that thing is like wrestling an octopus. You’ll find your snowshoes hung behind that. Let me know if you have any trouble” like, its literally always epic.


Jessica • Mar 4, 2019
Hahaha kids!


Posted at
My mother-in-law always asks "Well, did you look like a man, or did you look like a woman?"


Ericka • Mar 8, 2019
I always say this to my husband.."look with your girl eyes, not your boy eyes!" 🤪


Ni • Mar 4, 2019
Haha I always tell my husband, did you look for it like you or like me? Hahaha


DestinyBaby • Mar 4, 2019
Best reply...will have to use on my hubby


Posted at
Oh my god 😂😂😂😂😂I have a similar affliction called "I Put It Somewhere to Keep It Safe and I'm Never Going to See It Again" Syndrome 💀


Pia • Mar 11, 2019
The only thing I can never ever find are my keys I don’t know why put I put them somewhere different every day haha


Jenn • Mar 10, 2019
I have so much stuff “ i put away for safe keeping “ i have no idea where its at. I tell my husband when we move, we will hit the mother load.


𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇 • Mar 10, 2019
I have this. It’s so bad. I put my 300$ birthstone ring somewhere safe while I was pregnant, never to be seen again!


Posted at
My husband had a physically demanding job and therefore has a plethora of hats and jackets so he can have a clean one everyday for work. And everyday he cannot find a hat. And everyday I have to REMIND him to check his HAT DRAWER.After he finds a hat..the same thing happens with his jackets 🤦🏽‍♀️Every👏🏾Damn👏🏾Day!!👏🏾


Jo • Mar 8, 2019
I wonder if you labeled the drawer as something else he might look in it 🤔 It just might work. Lol.


Alaina • Mar 5, 2019
I labeled my fiances drawers once I moved in with him & started doing his laundry aka actually folding it & putting it away. I got so tired of him asking where I put things that i actually had to label the drawers.. also his thing now is. Where are the keys??? I let him search until he gives up then come downstairs & find it within 30seconds 🤦🏽‍♀️ truly it’s a man thing


Danielle • Mar 4, 2019
Every morning its "Do you know where my hat is?" I be wanting to strangle him 🤣 And ges bald so he wears a hat everyday even in the summer to keep the sun off his head 🙄


Posted at
My husband will literally be in the kitchen and ask, where are the noodles? He won’t even take the time to look, it’s obviously in a cabinet some where just look. But no, he asks me to get a quicker answer and so I tell him where they are, he opens the cabinets and does a quick scan and says where? It’s not in there. I get up and find it in 2 seconds. Most annoying thing ever lol. Men just don’t know how to look for things.


AlyssaBB • Mar 8, 2019
Yes he does same thing also lol


Kelly🌻 • Mar 6, 2019
Yes!! This is my husband it drives me nuts!!!


Ba • Mar 2, 2019
husband * exactly!!!!!


Posted at
Lmaooo I was like oh no poor guy what's CFS?? But after reading it, I feel you! My husband has severe CFS


🍑🦄 • Mar 6, 2019


Abby • Mar 4, 2019
I thought it was cystic fibrosis 🤷‍♀️lol I was like aww poor guy


Posted at
I think my kids have this too! "why aren't the dishes done?" "because there's no dish soap." "yes there is, it's in the cupboard where it always is." "no it's not, dad even looked." "yeah, well dad can't find anything. "


Sunshine • Mar 6, 2019
Yes! My husband and my son both have CFS. I'm still in denial about my son. I send him back multiple times to look for the same item, and each time my directions are more specific. Eventually, I go with him and then I tell him to follow my directions again. The items are right there in his face and he's still like "Mom, I don't see it"! 🙄 Of course the instance I touch the item he's like "Ohhhhh, that's what you meant ". 🤦🏾‍♀️ I specify colors, the size of the item, the name of the item, and exact directions to find it. CFS syndrome still wins 😞.


Posted at
This is my dad oh my fuck 😭😭😭 my poor mom will go and buy him body wash, put it above his towels in his closet and what does he do? He goes and buys more because he said there wasn’t any... there’s literally a stick pile of like 6+ body washes. He isn’t allowed to go to the grocery alone anymore lmao


Shannan • Mar 1, 2019
😂😂 this! As you can see, he already had two things of cartridges in there.. now he has 3. Think a store-ban may be in order 😂


Posted at
My husband also has this awful disease. He couldn’t locate his keys for 4 days and had to use a spare car key. I asked if he looked everywhere and he said yes. Tell me why I find them underneath a pillow in the couch? 🤦🏼‍♀️literally moves the pillow by 2 centimeters 😂


Sarah • Mar 9, 2019
We no kids yet 😂


In • Mar 7, 2019
All I could think was "who the fudge, has a house so clean, that no one Disturbs a pillow for days at a time


Shannan • Mar 3, 2019
I feel ya. I think over time I’ve developed this conscious awareness of where his car keys are 98% of the time... but the spare is always kept in my purse for no reason other than the CFS 😂


Posted at
Unfortunately my husband suffers from CFS syndrome as well i hope one day a woman thats fed up like us can find a cure. 😂😂😂


Shannan • Mar 1, 2019
Girl, they’d make some killer money 😂