Anyone else have a severe allergic skin reaction after a tattoo? *BIG RASH TMI TMI*


Hey remember me? I'm the girl who posted the dumb fears over getting a tattoo with a chicken gif. I swear everything happens to meeeeeeeee so check this out. Saw a dermatologist who gave me steroid cream to use 2x a day. Who else is unlucky?

My husband has been using dial gold to clean the tattoo 2x a day. Aquaphor to follow 3x a day. I stopped the aquaphor and switched over to white unscented lotion. I *think* I am allergic to whatever was used to clean/prep my skin pre tattoo. They used green soap, optiscrub and a&d. Got the tattoo on Saturday, this showed up on Monday. This photo was taken on Thursday.

P.S. Every time someone upvotes this post and doesn't comment one more hive shows up.


I stopped using dial gold completely and switched over to a dove unscented bar (only one recommended that I could find near me) and the rash looks SO MUCH BETTER after a few days of steroid cream. Thank you all so much for the support 💕 although I 100% adore the tattoo itself, It's safe to say I'll never do this again 🙌