should I start maternity leave now?

I am 36+2.

my doctor is performing a membrane sweep on Wednesday. I read it can cause light spotting and cramping afterwards. my husband doesnt want me to go to work the following days, in case my water breaks. so I am thinking I should take off work starting now, so I can rest, and make sure the house is perfect and ready for baby.

*I work as a front end manager, walking all day long. I am technically off the schedule as of now, and I am working as an extra. so I wont be missed. I just really hate to cut into my maternity leave in case this baby doesnt come for another 3 weeks. on the other hand, I am super pregnant and exhausted, and I get 16 weeks maternity leave. I wonder if being on my feet this much is doing more harm than good, I'm uncertain. 😟

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