I’M So Freaking Happy

That I cried in happy tears and a huge wave of good shock all over my my body finding out at my prenatal appointment that I do have a baby in my womb!!

Last year, I miscarried because I had a blighted ovum and oh my god, I was so devastated/embarrassed for really believed a baby grew all along until a ER doctor checked me out using a ultrasound and announced I didn’t have a baby, just a huge empty black sac. It was just traumatic to the point where I had to brace myself for the worst when I found out about my second pregnancy.

But now, my doctor informed me that I do have a baby growing on a right track and beats 160 per min.

I just couldn’t believe it! I thank God for blessed me with this beautiful gift and I pray with all of my heart that my lil rainbow 🌈 baby is sticky for the whole nine months 🙏🏽

Also, my fiancé broke down in happy tears more than I did and I just found it so adorable for how he really cares for our baby. I love him even more for that 😍