Could I be Pregnant?


So my periods due tomorrow, but I have a strong feeling it's not going to show up, and heres why I think this.

Starting a little over a week ago I began getting some severe cramping which has been on and off since then but not as painful, they vary between a cramp and stretching feeling.

I noticed through this week that my temperature is just ever so slightly higher than usual. I have been so pissed off at literally everything for absolutely no reason most of the time. My appetite is all over the place and I've had two nauseous spells. I've had headaches nonstop and dizziness here and there. Nipples have been sensitive too.

My cp is sitting really high.

Weirdest for me was I was hungry and didn't know what to eat so I ate bits of vegemite and pickled onions...

Now I'd test but I'm nervous it'll be negative like it was with my first pregnancy which took up until month 3 before one came back positive, this included blood tests too.

We have been ttc for 5 months now and I'd hate to have to wait to go through another cycle.

Does it sound like I might be?

I pee like the worlds running out of water and I'm sore all over.

Update: I am now 4 days late and still no sign of af. I did get bfn but believe its still early considering last pregnancy I was 10 weeks before I got my positive and it only came back in my bloods that I was about 4 weeks. So I dont really trust my hcg for testing. If still nothing and another negative by next monday I'll see my doctor.

I will note my cervix is higher again and really soft and tender, my boobs are absolutely killing me I wanted to cry last night.