Finally broke down and bought an ovulation kit

Amy • 👧🏽👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼👶🏽👼🏼

I got off birth control in August 2018. Got pregnant in September 2018 and lost the baby in November 2018. We started trying again right away. December’s period came right on time but was heavy and on and off for a week. Then I spotted every single day up until ovulation then January’s period came one day late. We BD all through February and at what was supposed to be 7 DPO freakin AF showed up so feb period started an entire week early. Glow was super on point with my ovulation and cycle before my MC but after it hasn’t been as accurate so I decided to buy a month long ovulation kit and see where this route takes me. It didn’t seem this hard conceiving my daughter. I’ve tried track my CM throughout the month but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten EW CM like ever. Anybody else in the same boat?