Amy • 30 years old 🌼 engaged to my twin flame 👫 💍🔥 animal lover and fur mom 🐈🐕🐶 Bi sexual 🌈 empath 🔮 Therapist 🕊💁🏻‍♀️

I have been taking clear blue ovulation tests for a while now and never had positive ovulation. I am tracking CM as well as BBT. I never see that happy face, only a empty circle 😕 I have been testing twice a day! I have tested at different times of the day as well. I am starting to feel helpless and loose hope.. do I really think I’m going to get pregnant when I can’t even get a positive on an ovulation test? Every time I take the stupid tests it’s like a blow to my self-esteem. I love seeing everybody’s success stories on here but it starts to get depressing because I naturally compare myself 😢

I am sorry if this sounds like a pity party that is not my intention. I’m hoping somebody can give me advice or say they’ve been through the same thing and got pregnant anyways.

I should add in that I was on Depo for almost 2 years and stopped taking it last March. I began spotting in August and by November I was having a consistent period.