No Fetal Pole?


Ok Mamas, I went to the ER today because I was having some sharp pains. I am 6 weeks & 1 day. They did an ultrasound and were not able to see a fetal pole or heartbeat. Just the gestational sac and yolk sac. With my son, at this stage, they saw him and a heartbeat.

I want to know who has had an ultrasound where only the yolk sac was visible and everything turned out okay. The ultrasound tech assured me this is normal but my nerves are on edge. My HCG was 16,000, so within normal range and gestational sac measured 6 weeks and 2 days (right in alignment with LMP).

Below are the pics. It’s strange because the first picture, I feel like that looks like the baby... not a yolk sac. They’re also live pics... I feel like I can almost see a flutter when I look at the live pic.