Help Please! Desperate



About 4 nights ago I notice my vagina getting really sore. I woke up the next morning still sore and itching. I said a yeast infection thought I never had one. I went and bought some yeast plus pills and itching cream. The next day it got Worse! Extreme itching, SORENESS AND PAIN! I can’t even begin to touch my clit without crying. If I press on my vagina it’s so sore! Last night the itch was bad so was this morning. Last night I took a Monistat treatment. The egg looking thing you put up your vagina. Didn’t help. So today I took the cream you insert up there (name brand still Monistat) the itching is gone! But I’m in TEARS THE PAIN IS SO BAD AND ITS SO SORE I CAN BARELY PUT MY LEGS TOGETHER AND NOW ITS THROBBING YES THROBBING SO SO BAD. It’s like a pressure pain with lots of throbbing. I’m crying 😞 Can someone tell me if it’s a yeast infection or something else? Should I go to the doctor in the morning? Or is there anything to help me. Never have a yeast infection so I’m clueless just didn’t think the pain and soreness would be so bad. I really need help.

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Posted at
Go to the doctor gurl! That much pain is alarming


Posted at
You should definitely go see a doctor.


Posted at
Going in the am. It’s a lot of pain and it just don’t seem normal


Posted at
I’ve had a yeast infection that bad before my whole vagina swelled and my labia swelled up so bad I couldn’t walk or even wear underwear or pants. I called the doc they called me in a script and I just laid on the couch nude holding ice against my swollen lady bits. It’s sucked.


Posted at
I would of been got checked out that’s not normal . Yeah my friend had that it was a vaginal infection she had to get meds cause her vagina swole up really bad as well . Go to the doc in the morning .


Posted at
I think you should get tested for an std...


Posted at
Just had some bacteria that caused it to get some kind of infection. All my test came back perfect 🤷🏻‍♀️