Don’t 😕


So I’ve seen a lot of posts on here of women being a few days late for their period or even one day late in some instances, and they’ve been getting negative tests. Then they go on to say they’re thinking of going into urgent care or the ER to see if they’re pregnant hoping to get a blood test or even an ultrasound. Well first off trying to see if you’re pregnant isn’t an emergency. It’s not what hospitals should be used for. If you want a blood test since you think the tests you’ve tried aren’t accurate go to a free clinic or schedule an appointment with your doctor. Don’t take up space in an emergency room for that. There are people there with actual emergencies being pushed back because of you. Second of all if you’re hoping to get an ultrasound done you’re also just taking up valuable resources when it’s most likely too early to see anything. That goes for women that are already pregnant too that go in for an ultrasound because they can’t wait until their appointment. Don’t do it . If you’re pregnant and bleeding then by all means go to the emergency room. But don’t go in just because you can’t wait until your appointment to see your baby or get bloodwork done.

Edit: There’s been a few posts saying “women who have miscarried just want peace of mind and you don’t know their past” etc. I’ve had two miscarriages. One at 22 weeks and one at 13 weeks. I know how devastating it is believe me. However you do not go into the urgent care or ER to just check on your baby. That’s what your OB or doctors office is for. You can even go to a free clinic. My point is that it’s not an emergency which is what hospitals should be used for.