Home from the hospital 😥

Kayla 🦄🥀😜 • Mommy to Ronald 3rd 7/13/16💙 Roland 10/19/19💙

Okay so, me and my son got sick last Friday. I thought it was just a common cold, but by Sunday morning I was barely able to breathe. I kept telling my husband "Babe I need to go to the hospital I can't breathe" and he kept brushing it off saying "try laying down and getting some sleep" so I'd lay down can't breathe, sit up can't breathe. It got to the point where I felt like I was having a heart attack and I'm like I need to go to the hospital now babe. So we finally go to the ER and they admitted me come to find out I have pneumonia and at the time it was throughout my entire lungs and was really bad they put me on a breathing machine and when I wasn't on that I was on Oxygen I had to stay in the hospital for a week and while in the hospital I get the Rhino virus which is just the common cold but it's still a virus which caused me to be in isolation 😥, my phone died so I was only able to tell my mom I was in the hospital couldn't get a charger. My dad only found out I was in the hospital because my aunt works there and was one of the nurses helping me with the breathing machine. Long story cut kind of short I kept telling my husband that when I get home I have to still take it easy because I still have pneumonia and when I move or talk I still have shortness of breath. He's like yeah I'm going to make sure you take it easy. So here I am home trying to control my breathing and having to try and run behind a 2yr old. While my husband is sleep 😡 I want to kick him but I don't have the energy 😥. Please pray for me ladies

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he’s doing the most.i’d be pissed asf & would probably go to my moms cause at least she’ll help.Maybe if not your mom, your dad ?he should definitely be helping you right now, you literally have pneumonia & that kills if left untreated thank god, you got to the hospital.Im soo sorry you gotta be doing this & be up & down but its mommy duties so hang in there!!you gotta reach out for help elsewhere, your husband is clearly not getting it & seems nonchalant towards most things that should have a little more concern.feel better boo 🥺🙏🏽☺️