Never seen this before 🤯


My hubby and I have been ttc for 11 months now. I was diagnosed with PCOS on 11/2018 and possible insulin resistance (get blood work on Monday but mostly likely I do). Before the PCOS diagnosis I noticed when using opk I wasn’t ovulating 😒 which later was explained that with PCOS that is something that can happen. I decided to use the Clearblue advance opk. Tbh I was not expecting to see peak fertility, but on Friday I saw a solid smiley 🙂 I didn’t get pictures since I was in disbelief. 🤭🤯 I got a picture when I took it out, I’ve always had them come out super light or nothing 😏

I believe metformin is helping. I’m really hoping this is our month. 🤰🏽🤱🏽 Fingers crossed 🤞🏽